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Showing posts with the label Basketball

A Sneak-Peek Into The Inspiring Life Of Craig Raucher

The founder of the Staten Island Basketball League is Craig Raucher , an aging sixty-five-year-old person with a glittering career in this game. Almost every person of every age within the nation is a fan of this sport and for several good reasons. This individual is the commissioner and founder of the league, which is now more of a family for the participants. The game is a shield Imagine a sixty-two-year-old person running around on a basketball court, dodging and tricking past the others. Craig Raucher is the living embodiment of the fact that if you do what you love, you can do it at any moment of time. This elderly, respectable, and highly successful individual is the epitome that states that age is nothing more than a pair of digits. Unbendable will It was in the age of fifty-nine that Craig Raucher had to undergo the first knee surgery and the second at sixty-one. During this individual’s school days, due to an athletic lifestyle and constant basketball match

Craig Raucher And His Everlasting Passion For Basketball

The man, Craig Raucher is a great businessman with a hugely successful business enterprise but finds time to pursue his favorite sport: basketball. Even with a large empire, he has enough time to gather individuals of different age groups to form a sports league at Staten Island. Time and again the team proved to be one of the best of New York. As for the inventor he is passionate enough to build motivation amongst lost lovers of sports. Knowing the team of best players Players might be old in age but they have ready-made new tricks up their sleeves. Craig Raucher is indeed a lover of basketball as he united various backgrounds to come together and play as a team. Starting from detectives, businessmen, and lawyers to retired teachers and graduate students, he assembled from personalities. They are passionate basketball lovers who are fervent to rebirth their talent. Audiences are welcome to catch them live in action. They invite and allow any person who has the motivation to

Craig Raucher And His Incredible Athletic League

You must have heard of the well-known basketball league named Staten Island Basketball League. The brainchild of Craig Raucher the league is killing the opponents with their enthusiasm since its foundation in 1980. From different professional backgrounds and society, players gathered to play in a non-conventional way. The players are aged from 26 to 68 and highly competitive but their competition is to show their long lost love for basketball rather than scoring the highest and announcing the best player. Eternal love for sports It is amusing how a person can juggle his business world and be at the top of it at the same time forming an innovative league. The best part of the team is the members are from different areas having their own life experiences. A team where a retired professor and a graduate student can play together, a team where there is no social division among the members, the only thing uniting is the unfading passion for basketball. The name behind all these is C

Craig Raucher: An Ardent Lover Of Basketball

Time and again it has been proved that a man’s love for sports is indissoluble. In this respect the name that comes to your mind is Craig Raucher and his undeniable passion for sports. Assembling different individuals from various walks of life he created a team of passionate basketball players who are always ready to challenge the younger players. The team is full of enthusiastic players who play for reviving their love of basketball rather than competing with each other to score the highest rank. Reviving the long-lost glory The team makes sure that they play to brush up their talents and showcase the affection along with getting back together to re-found the love again. Craig Raucher is best known as a successful businessman with a great empire to manage daily. He still finds time to motivate senior members who discontinued playing for some reason to rejoin and make a mark in the sports field again. Besides, he helps by giving financial support to those players who had to l

Craig Raucher And His Undying Love For Sports

Have you ever heard of a person having a big business empire as well as a well-formed team of basketball players? Craig Raucher is the figure who created a team of basketball enthusiasts playing for different tournaments. He brought back the lost love for sports among people who are no longer young and competitive. The motivation and passion towards the sport drive them to perform. In this over competitive world, he and his team are not here to boast their victory but to showcase their talents and revive their younger days. Looking at the sports team As a person with leadership qualities, Craig Raucher did a perfect job by uniting various backgrounds in a game of basketball. Starting from detectives and lawyers to retired teachers and graduation students, he gathered people from different fields. They are passionate enough to re-begin their sports qualities. Old players with new games, the basketball team is fervently breaking some records. Since the team has gain a second life

Craig Raucher And His Association With Sports

Craig Raucher is a multi-faceted personality. The man has spread well-being in different segments of the business. He has not stepped back from sports as it becomes evident from his association with basketball. Right from incorporating motivational skills into his teams, he has helped all kinds of people come forward for playing this game. Raucher has always tried to ensure that none of the people interested in sports should be left out for playing basketball. It is undeniable that the players in this team have come out from the pangs of professionalism and play for pure pleasure and to revive the ideas of sportsmanship. Playing the game in his team is simply an opportunity to show prowess but there is no hint of overpowering each other. Venturing in basketball: The game of basketball has got a new definition from the time Craig Raucher and his team has entered the arena. Many of the players in his team are retired and old. For them, it is to bring back the glory of the past an

Craig Raucher and his avid interest in sports

Sports and Craig Raucher are completely inseparable because it is his fetish in this field that has led him to support retired players. He is into multiple sports and not one is his favorite but all. Thus, he and his team have come up with quality packages that can be presented to old players that no more play. It is due to his ideas that old players have been able to rekindle their passion once again. Younger players always dominated the scene in the field of basketball but with new players, old players never got a chance to try their hands. Hence, he and his team have worked really hard so that old players get an opportunity to work on their skills besides also reviving lost days of sports. Here is a look at the league he has been able to make. Different backgrounds The sports league and Craig Raucher comprise of teams from multiple backgrounds. You can find lots of retired teachers as well as detectives. There are many businessmen as well students pursuing graduation. They

Craig Raucher's unshakable profound interest in the Basketball

Sports should be taken interest in not just to stay physically fit and active but also to stay mentally charged and refreshed. Sports and games can make an individual stay sharp, fit and in shape too. Craig Raucher is the Founder and Commissioner of the Staten Island Basketball League, who has played full court competitive basketball twice a week for three hours even after total knee replacement surgery. His has got unshakable profound interest in this game and is determined to keep playing as long as he wishes. Basketball is a limited-contact sport played on a rectangular court. This can be described as a handball game usually played by two teams of five players. Practice makes you perfect so practice your shots and focus on your coach’s tips. You need to learn to shoot with your fingertips and get good rotation on your shot. Craig Raucher suggests that to enhance your shooting technique one should practice shots within just a few feet of the basket, then gradually increase t

Take Tips from Craig Raucher to Become a Better Offensive Basketball Player

Are you looking for tips to become an efficient offensive player in basketball? Irrespective of how big or fast you are you need to keep some fundamentals in mind for becoming a competent offensive player. You will fail to dribble or outrun your opponents if you do not pay attention to these details. Take a look at the website of Craig Raucher for some tips, and you will see an improvement in your game soon. Practice is the keyword Known for his passion for basketball, Craig Raucher had to give up the game for acute monetary problems. However, he did not let his passion fade away. Over time, he successfully built a vast business empire, and he also created a sports team. Practice is the key to getting better at this game. You must work on the shooting technique. Initially, you should begin practicing the shots close to the basket. Then you should start increasing your distance gradually. You must practice lay-ups and free throws from both sides. You should improve the handl

Craig Raucher and his passion towards basketball

Craig Raucher an d his passion towards basketball remain despite being the burning example for being a person whose instincts in business helped him build a business empire that was huge. However, as known nothing has stopped his passion for sports . This specifically indicates that no matter how big a business empire one has or is magnate, there is no reason to leave that passion behind. One can continue to have it besides their enterprise just like Craig has done. He has created a team that is entirely separate, for the players of basketball. They are also the individuals who consider the sport to be a passion despite hailing from multiple professions. Here are things he has done. Giving reasons to shine Craig Raucher and his passion towards basketball has been proven time and again as he created a successful basket team comprising of players who had to discontinue playing because of monetary problems. The ones who did not get the opportunity to shine because of monetary o

Craig Raucher and his skills of direct sales

Craig Raucher a professional sales and marketing leader earned this position because of the way he handled cargo and international freight. It is his works here that made him generate direct tactics of sales. The sales that are direct are a process of having the product sold away from a storefront that is traditional. It is important for businesses of all kinds of styles. However, transportation and handling of freight are not immune to the concepts of sales and marketing. He accomplished the direct sales through varied methods. According to him, the one that shall be used shall be dependent upon targeted demographic and market type. These are the ways he incorporated. Online ways Craig Raucher a professional sales and marketing leader improvise the ways by after witnessing that booming sale was recorded when these took place over the internet. The sales online made up the majority of revenues in total for the large business houses. Since, many prospective and potential clie

Craig Raucher is an intelligent businessman

Craig Raucher as an entrepreneur has helped many companies generate considerable profits and this has led to their growth. His methods of business strategies have helped many corporations to grow at a constant rate over long periods of time. This type of success does not happen one fine day but has been achieved by examining the data patterns carefully. The processes also include understanding different trends of businesses along with marketplace interpretation that shall affect business inevitably. If you are a manager or business owner looking forward to improving overall numbers and growth these useful tricks and tips will help you do it. Getting most out from investments One of the most important aspects of having a successful run at the business is to conduct in an efficient and smooth manner and you can always take a cue from Craig Raucher as an entrepreneur . Efficiency is significant because that helps in getting the most out of the investments each time. Without affe

Craig Raucher has brought back basketball for every age bracket

Craig Raucher and sports are inseparable and due to his efforts, the game of basketball has made a comeback for many who had a hiatus. There are many who still think that basketball is one such game whose skills cannot be perfected over a period of few weeks. However, this man and his team have been arranging tonnes of events for this game and no matter what level you are in the game levels are going to get refined significantly due to the proper guidance. It is this idea of him that has led to many playing the game and has been provided positions depending on a broad analysis of weakness as well as strength. Here are a few tips that his team has exercised. Improving constitutional structure and selecting shoes As per Craig Raucher and sports experiences he has primary things for sportspersons to remember that includes revamping the game. This is only possible when a good body is maintained through weight training and body conditioning. Thus, checking up with the doctor is

Craig Raucher and his quality views on transportation

Transportation has many aspects and it is mandatory that one has awareness regarding all its avenues. Therefore, if there is a recent relocation of your mind then companies must get hold efficient firms that shall help in explaining things to you. Craig Raucher and his experience in transportation can help support you . He and his team not only have the expertise but also the experience that has provided people with great ideas to get ahead in the domain of transportation industry. Quality services have been delivered to date and here are a few things that you must know about his wonderful team and him. Timely services Reputed Craig Raucher and his experience in transportation have laid emphasis on delivering services and goods as per deadlines. When items are delivered at the right time clients shall have a good impression on such companies. In fact, you must be hurrying to get things from one point to another within a given time or much before it. Thus, on such occasions c

Craig Raucher and his unique shipping schemes

In the present times, it has become overly complicated to get good and lucrative ideas on shipping from companies having sound knowledge of it. Some even deal with it but do not possess the expertise or brilliance. Since competition exists in the market and everyone wants to get ahead leaving others behind thus Craig Raucher and Shipping Industry ideas have helped a great deal. They have the right infrastructure in helping people. If one is seeking the assistance of a brilliant kind then there is absolutely no one better than his team. This reported personality has had numerous associations with many logistics departments for a long time. Thus, this has made him and his team an expert in delivering quality services. These are the things they do. Some crucial points If one has plans in transporting goods from one region to the other then it becomes compulsory that one associates with various transformational needs existing in the current phase. One needs to possess the require

Craig Raucher and his league of sports

Craig Raucher and sports are inseparable. He is undeniably interested in sports and it is not just one sport but most kinds. It is this reason that he loves presenting high-quality packages. He and his team have an undying motivation for the game of basketball and the players indulged in playing it. The players they play have already retired and it is their passion which has brought them to try their hand in the game yet again. However, there is the dominance of younger players which makes the retired ones slightly wary. Thus, his team or league is a competitive panel that has got players to rework their passion. This way the old players will also be reviving their old days in playing sports. Here is a detailed look. Different backgrounds Craig Raucher and sports comprise of teams that hail from various and multiple backgrounds. You shall find some to be retired teachers while others may be detectives. There are also businessmen and graduate students to be found. All of them

Craig Raucher and his avid interest in sports

Craig Raucher and sports are undeniably connected. He always had a fetish for many games and not just one. This is the reason he has been presenting quality packages from time to time. He has been a wave of motivation for the retired and old basketball players who have had to take a back seat because of the younger players. He has thus created the league out of the older players which is more like a panel that is competitive. This way these players that are such powerhouse of talents get a chance to relive their dreams and revive the lost days. Here is a list of work he has done in this direction. A friendly league Craig Raucher and sports are two sides of the same coin. The association which has been developed by has some great players who even comprise of detectives and retired teachers. You may also find graduation students to people in business all because of the inherent love of these people in sports. It is the sport that creates the perfect unification of all of th

Craig Raucher And His Holistic Knowledge On Transportation

Transportation has many aspects and one needs to be aware of all its avenues. Therefore if you are planning to relocate somewhere then you must get hold companies that are dab hand at explaining things to you. There is Craig Raucher and his experience in transportation that can of great support to you. This is because his team has the best experience in transport and shipping industry. They have been delivering quality services in both shipping and transportation. Here are few things that you need to know about him and his wonderful team. A timely service Reputed Craig Raucher and his experience in transportation lay emphasis on delivery of goods and services on time. There might be hurry on your part to deliver goods and services bang on time and it is during these testing times that teams provide the best assistance. Since they house a brilliant and expert team of individuals you get your stuff intact with nothing lost or mishandled. There may be multiple services that

Craig Raucher And His Sports League

It is undeniable that Craig Raucher and sports are inseparable. He has a fetish for more than one sports and in fact and loves to present quality packages. The team and we are known for their undying motivation for basketball players who are tired and sick of the dominance of younger players. His league his team are more of a panel that is competitive. The teams thus making it certain that these players so not lose on out on their talents and get to re-work on their talents besides reviving their long-lost sports days. Here is a detailed look at their league. Various backgrounds Craig Raucher and sports league comprising his team hail from multiple and various backgrounds. Some are detectives while there are some who are retired teachers. There are also some who are graduate students and businessmen. They all muster together to revive their times of lost glory. All in all the incredible talents get another chance to showcase and display their prowess. It is the team whos

Craig Raucher – Develop self- confidence with sports

Do you realize the significance of sports in everyday lives? It is sports which can make the world a better place. It has the capability of making all the people come together. Any physical activity is good for body, mind, and soul. You may be involved in games in an individual capacity or as a team member. Team games are useful for increasing dedication, accountability, sense of responsibility and sharing. Craig Raucher helps people by joining the team which is for every age group. Assists in academics Playing a sport helps in improving the academic results of a person. This is because they require memorization, repetition, and learning. These same skills are needed to do well in the field of academics. Teaches teamwork It assists in collaboration as the players work in close cooperation with other players, coaches, and managers for attaining the same objective. This spirit proves to be helpful later while you encounter problems at home or work. Contributes towards health