Mr. Craig Raucher has become a prominent personality around the world for innovative ideas in relation to direct sales. This ingenious personality has transformed the methods of intrinsic sales. Mr. Raucher is reputed as the expert in all matters pertaining to freight and cargo handling. He is equally proficient in handling everything related to intrinsic or direct sales. Several large companies have benefitted from his experience and judicious advice. They have experienced huge commercial growth after implementing the ideas of Mr. Raucher. These outcomes attest to the feasibility of Mr. Raucher’s plans in the world of direct sales. Mr. Raucher studies the latest the trends in the commercial word. It enables him to identify all changing patterns and have a complete understanding of the facts. With this extensive knowledge, Mr. Raucher can improve the overall growth rate for any business organization. Mr. Raucher believes that it is essential to investigate all the aspects of any b...