If you want to know the most passionate person in the field of basketball then the first name comes to the mind is Craig Raucher . A successful businessman with a huge empire still finds enough time to devote in his favorite sport, basketball. No matter how busy a person is or how big the duties he needs to fulfill passion and love for something can never be given a full stop. He sets an example to all those people who can try and find time for their loved activities. Achievements to be proud of You must have heard the name of this sports personality but do you know how much he contributed to the field? His affection towards his fellow players can be seen as he started a successful and strong basket team where players who for reason or other had to leave the sport. Monetary problems and financial crisis are some of the reason that makes lose the opportunity. Craig Raucher gathered such enthusiastic beings and gave them financial support and formed a formidable team. The team has...