Most recently the senior vice president of general management at Total Freight Solutions, Craig Raucher has extensive experience in the freight industry, with time at companies like Corporate Express Delivery Systems and Skynet Worldwide Express. Accomplishments at Total Freight Solutions include establishing and uniting a number of operating divisions and increasing revenue to $57 million from the start-up stage. Personally, Craig Raucher made sales in excess of $17 million while also developing a strong sales team. A good sales department can mean the differe nce between a relatively stagnant company and a truly successful company. One element is to set the business apart from the first contact. Whether sales are initiated online, over the phone, or face-to-face, the process should be approached with a clear and interesting point of view and context. For example, by setting a frame of reference for the product or service, the salesperson allows the potential customer to immedi...