When someone shows the ability to sell a run of the mill item, then that is an indicator of effective salesmanship. Direct sales, however, revolve around persuading folks to buy something which they do not even require. It is in this area that Mr. Raucher excels. Boosting sales Take the assistance of Craig Rauch er to jumpstart your sales number. During his stint in freight and cargo tackling, he made use of direct sales tactics frequently to boost up sales. Even when the budget is tight, you can rev up the sales with these effective strategies. Social media tools nowadays can be used to your advantage for promotion of your products. Revenue increase For increasing the revenue of your business, it is a wise decision to consider the current customer base. If you have established a relationship with your clients, then they may be discussing the challenges they face. If you lend a patient hearing to their challenges, then you may be able to assist in the form of alte...