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Marketing Exercises for Startup Companies

Craig Raucher is a New York-based business professional with experience in marketing, finance, and management. Previous to his employment with large freight companies like TFS Global, Craig Raucher accepted a position developing marketing and sales campaigns for startup freight company Skynet Worldwide Express. Because startup companies often do not have the budget of large businesses, they must develop creative strategies for promoting themselves. The following tips offer startup companies several ideas for marketing in a business’ early stages. 1.  Determine a specific audience : Define the particular demographic that would be interested in your product or service. This will not only narrow a seemingly unlimited pool of marketing options but also decrease the likelihood that you will alienate customers by appealing to too broad of an audience. 2.  Use social media to your advantage : Modern startups can benefit from familiarity with popular social media platforms...

Brooklyn College School of Business Named in Honor of Donor

Drawing on expertise in sales management and operations, Craig Raucher has spent his career growing transportation companies like Total Freight Solutions and SkyNet Worldwide Express. Before entering the transportation industry, Craig Raucher earned a degree in business administration from Brooklyn College. Brooklyn College recently issued a press release to announce that its School of Business will be named in honor of Murray Koppelman, a prominent philanthropist and alumnus from the class of 1957. With the more than $1.5 million Koppelman provided, Brooklyn College will work to raise its standard of excellence and further pursue accreditation. After the accreditation process concludes, the Koppelman School will rank as the only accredited business school in Brooklyn, while delivering affordable access to robust degree programs that effectively ready students for careers in the expanding global economy. School officials note that accreditation will help the Koppelman Schoo...

Importance of Physical Activity for Men's Health

An avid sports enthusiast,  Craig Raucher  directs the Brooklyn/Staten Island Athletic League. In his capacity as the organizer of the league, Craig Raucher not only works with the local school district to ensure playing time and space but also schedules games. Maintaining regular physical activity tends to be difficult for many men. Work commitments, family schedules, and other factors often interfere with plans to go to the gym, jog, or even walk around the block. This proves a significant loss, though, as exercise performs a major function in warding off such health problems as cancer and heart disease. Moreover, men between the ages of 30 and 50 often choose not to exercise because of old sports injuries or chronic pain issues. Many physical activities, however, offer health benefits without putting undue strain on knees, the back, or other common problem areas. Most people who adopt regular exercise schedules find that if they sustain their routine for two months, ...

Layout of a Basketball Court

Craig Raucher currently serves as commissioner of the Brooklyn/Staten Island Athletic League in New York City. Under the guidance of Craig Raucher, the league has evolved over the last 30 years to become the city’s premier amateur athletic league. Understanding the layout of a basketball court is vital to the success of any team. A basketball court consists of a large rectangle divided into squares. The center of the court contains the center circle, which commonly includes a team logo or school mascot. The center circle comes into play for tipoffs at the start of the game and the start of the second half. Moving from the center circle toward the basket, the player encounters the three-point line. Any shot taken behind this line is worth three points instead of the standard two. The majority of the game takes place inside the boundaries of the three-point line, as this is the area where teams run their offensive plays. Fifteen feet directly in front of the basket is the free ...

Elements of Effective Corporate Sales

Most recently the senior vice president of general management at Total Freight Solutions, Craig Raucher has extensive experience in the freight industry, with time at companies like Corporate Express Delivery Systems and Skynet Worldwide Express. Accomplishments at Total Freight Solutions include establishing and uniting a number of operating divisions and increasing revenue to $57 million from the start-up stage. Personally, Craig Raucher made sales in excess of $17 million while also developing a strong sales team. A good sales department can mean the differe nce between a relatively stagnant company and a truly successful company. One element is to set the business apart from the first contact. Whether sales are initiated online, over the phone, or face-to-face, the process should be approached with a clear and interesting point of view and context. For example, by setting a frame of reference for the product or service, the salesperson allows the potential customer to immedi...

About Logistics

Craig Raucher began his transportation career working for DHL Airways, a premier logistics company. Now referred to as DHL Worldwide Express, the company’s earnings increased dramatically when Craig Raucher came on board as the director of development. The transportation executive not only opened offices in 14 countries throughout the world, but also built the revenue of the transportation giant from a quarter of a million dollars to approximately $60 million in only seven years. Logistics services may span several areas, including air freight, road and rail shipments, ocean freight, and supply chain management. These logistics services relate to the movement of goods and services for warehousing and distribution. Many functions go into logistics planning, all which may involve the transport, inventory, and storage of products and raw materials. In the simplest terms, logistics pertains to managing a stream of resources from one point to the next. Resources can be defined as fo...

Importance Of Team Building To Achieve Success In Business

There are some businesses that you can run without any team. You are the only person responsible for the success and failure of that venture. On the other hand, most of the businesses have teams. They work as a team and thus the capacity of team building is important to achieve the goals in such ventures. Working as a team has various benefits and that is the reason big enterprises prefer to have highly qualified professionals who can join their team and give their effort to make their business projects successful. You can follow Craig Raucher in this context as he has experience of more than three decades. Cover Up Each Other’s Weak Points In a team you may have different types of people. Some of them can be good strategy makers and few can execute them well. There are people who are good thinkers and some are able to offer physical labor. All these people are required and important in a team work. They have different responsibilities that have individual significance. When y...

Adults Should Play Sports To Learn Business Lessons

Sports are not only for kids and they can be excellent for learning business lessons for the adults. There are lots of sports that can help you to learn some of the important tips that you can apply in your business to enhance your revenue. Thus, according to Craig Raucher , Adults Should Play Sports. It has impact on both mind and body and that is the reason modern business owners like to let their employees be involved in different sports and outdoor activities. Learn Team Work There are situations when you need to work as a team for the growth of your business. Your individual effort may not be sufficient to overcome a certain critical situation. Sports can be the best place to learn team works. Games like basketball or volleyball can help you to learn everything about team spirit and team work. You can get know from Craig Raucher that how you should behave when you are in a team and how to motivate each other for better performance. Handle Pressure When you are runni...

Tips On Successful Business Strategy For Startups

Businesses; irrespective to their nature and size, need some effective strategies. When you start your business then you need them most. Business without strategy is like race without a track. You know that you have to run but cannot understand where to go and which way to take to finish the race. This is the reason it is important to have a proper business strategy for the startup businesses. You need to know which way will be the best way for your business and which you should avoid. Plan Your Target As a business owner you must set your target first. You should know what you want to achieve within a certain period and how to achieve the same. When you follow Craig Raucher   Business Strategy For Startups you can understand how to set goals in business. First you need to set some small and easy goals and then jump for the big ones after achieving some success. Keep your focus on your target so that you can plan your strategies according to that. Choose The Most Effect...

How To Become A Successful Businessman

When you start up a business, you need to know how to make it a successful venture. Success here means achieving your individual goals and earning a good amount of profit at the end of the year. To become a successful businessman, you must have some special skills. You must understand what your business need the most and what is not required. You should know how to treat your employees to get the maximum effort from them. When you know the right process of running a business then you will achieve success easily. Different Businesses – Different Needs You should know that different businesses must have different needs. The strategies your friend applies for the growth of his business may not be effective for your company because you two have different kinds of businesses. Craig Raucher knows these differences and execute the plan according to the same. Failure is a part of all these ventures, and you must not stop yourself from trying new ideas because of the fear of failure. ...

Learn Leadership Skills for Successful Marketing And Constant Growth

Every business needs a leader; a strong, skillful, experienced and positive one. The leader must have the capability of judging the situation and taking the right decision according to the same. Craig Raucher can help you to know about the skills that you need to have successful marketing strategies. These strategies will help you in two sectors. One is setting the right marketing skills and then securing a constant growth in business. The Need Of Successful Marketing Without proper marketing plans, you can never reach to your target buyers. Until you reach to the right person who will buy your product, you cannot earn a profit. Thus marketing is very important for the growth of any business. There are lots of incidents where the company is not getting proper profit because of improper promotional or marketing strategies. Craig Raucher will help you to build a strong leadership to set successful marketing plans. Be A Good Leader To enjoy a constant growth in the market,...

The Beneficial Influence Of Craig Raucher- Importance Of Team Building Exercises

The professional with his expertise in sales management and marketing pioneered several companies to success. From directing the sales initiatives to enhancing the productivity of various startup organizations; Craig Raucher has been found leading the way.  He knows what it takes to line up the blueprints of a successful mission. Craig Raucher - Importance Of Team Building Exercises unfold the value of team effort.  According to the business executive, without a collective effort, you cannot realize your objective. Should be a part of your strategy As a manager, you will plan and strategize. But make sure to include the Team Building Exercise on your priority list. It deserves to be a part of your strategy planning, as well. These activities go a long way towards motivating the team. So if you organize special events including those that are sports-centric to celebrate a milestone that has been achieved, you can sway the tide in your favor. Craig Raucher also highlig...

Learn From Craig Raucher- Adults Should Play Sports

The successful business strategist cum analyst and planner has mastered several milestones. From helping business enterprises through their acquisition initiatives to developing models for the startup ventures, Craig Raucher turns out to be the major source of inspiration. But many of you may not be acquainted with his on-field ability. He is more than a sheer business leader; he is a sportsman, as well. Craig Raucher - Adults Should Play Sports unleashes the importance of taking part in on-field activities. Charges people up It is a fact that sports serve as an interesting source of motivation. If your body is agile and active, you will feel twice more charged up than before. This prospect, in turn, will influence the decision-making process. Craig Raucher is a part of the basketball league. He happens to be an expert shooter, with proficiency in the free throw, jump shots and lay ups. You also know that the man has been instrumental in making some of the wisest business dec...

Craig Raucher- Business Strategy For Startups: Presents A Useful Model

The prominent players in the sector of shipping and transportation employed Craig Raucher, in several capacities. In the spheres of operational and marketing management, the New York-based executive had stellar roles to play. In this context, it is worth noting that the veteran not only made his presence felt amongst the established companies but also helped many a startup venture develop their objectives. Craig Raucher - Business Strategy for Startups has an inspirational model to present. The contribution of Raucher With this model, he was responsible for giving a new lease of life to the Skynet Worldwide Express. During the initial years of its existence, the company had lots to learn from Raucher’s business model. Getting off to a start requires the right mindset and courage. But if you have these qualities, you can pull things off successfully. Planning is an important part of the process. After you have lined up a plan, you should see to its execution. For that, it is...

Things To Learn From Craig Raucher- How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Having worked in powerful positions for several freight and shipping companies, over the long career span of thirty-five years, Craig Raucher is thoroughly conversant with the qualities that are expected a successful entrepreneur. Raucher has shown to the world what it takes to plan, organize, manage and maneuver financial investments. As a promising entrepreneur, you will like to note the defining features of Craig Raucher - How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur. Things that are essential First, you should have a thorough knowledge of the business processes and procedures. You should also be aware of the market landscape. Thirdly, you should make it a point to appoint qualified work persons. The question pertains to building a competent team that can increase your revenue, by several counts. Raucher himself has been instrumental in building several winning combinations and helped corporations and conglomerates to escalate new tracks of success. Some more aspects Pl...

Glimpse Into Craig Raucher - Leadership Skills for Successful Marketing Professional

A manager working in the executive position needs to have in-depth knowledge of the business procedures. Only then, he can guide the undertaking to scale a new level of excellence. In this context, you will be interested to note the approach of Craig Raucher - Leadership Skills for Successful Marketing Professional. Raucher, who happens to be a business strategist harps the importance of leadership. With the right kind of leadership, it is possible to attain significant growth and development. As a matter of fact, Raucher, by his example has shown how to increase the lead by more than one-hundred and eighty million USD. A major contribution Raucher was a part of the Corporate Express Delivery System. He played an important part in increasing the total revenue. As a result, the profit count went escalating by a margin of nineteen percent. Here again, the leadership skill of the business strategist made a big difference. The company, under his leadership, saw the creation of...

Truck Driver Shortages Impact the Transportation Industry

Craig Raucher has performed leadership functions for major transportation companies over the course of 35 years in the transportation industry. Most recently, as the senior vice president of Total Freight Solutions, Craig Raucher was responsible for the company’s various means of transportation, including trucking and rail. According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, a shortage of truck drivers is impacting the transportation sector in a variety of ways. The article states that driver shortages are creating issues for smaller truck fleets and increasing reliance on rail freight. As a large number of truck drivers from the Baby Boomer generation retire, the article explains, there aren’t enough new drivers joining the profession to fill open positions created by retirees. The American Trucking Associations forecasts a shortage of 35,000 to 40,000 drivers, which poses a particular challenge for businesses with smaller truck fleets. For many small fleets, it has become ...

Study Finds Financial Benefits for Adults Who Play Sports

Over the course of his more than 30-year career in the transportation industry, Craig Raucher has held executive roles with leading transportation companies, such as Total Freight Solutions and Corporate Express Delivery Systems. Craig Raucher also contributes to his community as the volunteer commissioner for the Brooklyn/Staten Island Athletic Basketball League, a well-established group that includes players between the ages of 25 and 65. On the subject of adult sports, the Wall Street Journal published an article reviewing a study on the financial benefits of playing sports once a month or more. Issued by the Centre for Economic Policy Research, the study found that playing sports on a monthly basis can positively impact working adults’ earning potential, with the study’s sports-playing adults realizing higher incomes than their peers who participated in sports less than once a month. The study found a 5 percent to 10 percent rate of return from engaging in adult sports, about...

The Mental and Physical Benefits of Basketball

Craig Raucher is a sales and marketing professional with experience in guiding companies through growth and expansion, creating domestic marketing strategies, and developing high-quality sales organizations on the national and international levels. A longtime basketball enthusiast, Craig Raucher is also the commissioner for the Staten Island Basketball League in New York. Basketball provides a number of benefits to those who participate in the sport, positively affecting the body and mind. A game of basketball requires a good deal of movement, from running and jumping to repeated starts and stops. Participation allows players to exercise and burn a significant number of calories. Constant movement also helps the heart build endurance and improves a player’s cardiovascular health while increasing bone and muscle strength. In addition to the numerous physical benefits, basketball facilitates improved spatial awareness and motor coordination. The amount of strategy and attenti...

Three Types of Shots in Basketball

A management and sales professional within the shipping and transportation industry, Craig Raucher has worked in an executive capacity for companies that ship freight via rail, ocean, and air. Outside of work, Craig Raucher is the commissioner of the Brooklyn/Staten Island Athletic Basketball League, and he has participated in pickup basketball games with friends twice a week since 1985. When scoring points, basketball players frequently use the following types of shots to put the ball into the hoop. Jump shot: Players can attempt a jump shot in most game circumstances, including while the player is moving and while covered by the opposing team’s defense. A jump shot, usually made some distance from the hoop, is performed when a player jumps upward with both feet, aligns his elbow with the hoop, and shoots the ball into the basket at an arc. Lay-up: A lay-up is typically used when a player nears the basket and is not crowded by the opposing team’s defence. To shoot a lay-up...

Tips for Leading Successful Mergers and Acquisitions

Craig Raucher possesses more than three decades of experience in the freight shipping sector, having held executive roles with numerous companies. Most recently, Craig Raucher has served as senior vice president and general manager of Total Freight Solutions (TFS) Global, where he played an instrumental role in several mergers and acquisitions. An often tricky business venture, mergers and acquisitions require a number of elements to come together for success. One of the first things you must do when looking to complete a merger or acquisition is to determine the various benefits of the deal. You should ask yourself several questions: How will it strengthen our company strategy? Will it help us reach new consumer audiences? Assessing the value of the merger or acquisition will better enable you to look at all the potential risks and rewards that will come with the consolidation of multiple firms. Mergers and acquisitions do not stop once the deal itself is complete...

Public School 8 Boasts Unique Gymnasium

Throughout his professional career, Craig Raucher has focused his work in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, marketing, and finance as an executive with several international shipping companies. Also active in his local community, Craig Raucher leads the Brooklyn/Staten Island Basketball League (SIBL), which practices in the gym of Staten Island’s Public School 8. Over the last three decades, SIBL has made a home at Public School 8, which hosts a regular student body of nearly 600 spread across grades ranging from pre-kindergarten to fifth grade. Also known as the Shirlee Solomon School, it has been based in Great Kills for more than a century. Throughout its life, the main facility has undergone two renovations in 1937 and 1952 to add extra space. One of the school’s most unique spaces is its historic gymnasium, which features wooden backboards and basketball court flooring that both date back 60 years. Though smaller than similar courts of its kind, the Public ...

The Different Contributions Of Craig Raucher

When it comes to freight or cargo handling; Craig Raucher stands out as an authority.  That’s because he has years of experience, working in different capacities, in the freight-cum transportation sector. The experienced campaigner has made the best use of the direct sales strategies. He is responsible for pioneering the development and growth of the marketing and sales infrastructure, with a view to supporting the air freight, trucking, and the other transportation-centric sectors. The latest achievement Whichever organization he worked for, he made it a point to increase sales and add to the profitability. Consequently, the business ventures prospered and flourished under his able leadership and guidance. Very recently, he is accountable for transforming a brand new start-up venture into a conglomerate that yields near about fifty-one million US Dollars. Whenever a production unit was found struggling, he chipped in to provide the same with a new lease of life and strength...

Hone Your Leadership Skills With A New Focus

You may have a part to play in the freight and transportation sector. In that case, you will be pretty well acquainted with the initiatives and achievements of Craig Raucher . To describe the latter as a marketing leader and specialist will not be an exaggeration. With his business foresight, management skill and in-depth knowledge of the relevant sector, he has managed to create a unique scheme of profit making. If you use and implement his system; then, you will surely smell the sweetness of success. The new approach The marketing leader cum business executive has given a new thrust to the concept of organizational leadership. The standard practice is to give a direction and make the subordinate to carry out that direction. But things are different with the new business model because Raucher insists on the supportive guidance of the managerial team. The latter is not only expected to take a decision but also expected to provide support the subordinates and other employees durin...

Three Leadership Practices that Improve Sales Teams

Craig Raucher has been a sales management professional for more than 30 years. Over the course of his career, he has had experience as a director of sales, general manager, and vice president, accumulating knowledge of sales as well as team development. Sales management professionals like Craig Raucher can improve the productivity of their teams with the following leadership practices. 1.  Leaders hire talented teams : Many prosperous sales professionals seek to hire excellent talent from the beginning, even if it means the initial cost will be higher than desired. Team leaders who hire highly qualified candidates spend less time and resources on training, and have more reliable options when it comes to delegating team responsibility. 2.  Leaders motivate creatively:  Sales managers who rely solely on work deadlines and performance metrics in order to keep a sales team motivated are missing an opportunity. To drive motivation, managers can try strategies such ...

US House of Representatives Passes Transportation Bill

Craig Raucher has worked with a number of major transportation companies as an executive with direct sales and operations experience. Over the course of his 35-year career, Craig Raucher has monitored trends and developments in the trucking and rail sectors. In transportation industry news, the US House of Representatives recently approved a new bill that focuses highway funding on freight corridors and features transportation safety provisions. The House bill outlines a national freight network comprised of certain highways and commits $4.5 billion annually to capacity building for the network. Due to lobbying by shipping and railroad entities, the bill also gives rail operators more time to integrate mandated positive train control (PTC) technology. If the bill is approved by the Senate, operators would have until at least the end of 2018 to employ the advanced safety technology that experts claim can prevent major accidents. The bill also stipulates that safety ...

How to Cultivate Success with a Start-Up

New York City-based Craig Raucher has leveraged his experience in sales, operational management, and marketing to lead several prominent shipping companies. Before holding executive positions with Total Freight Solutions and Corporate Express Delivery Systems , Craig Raucher played a key role in developing start-up firm Skynet Worldwide Express. Starting a new business may seem like a daunting task, but with the correct planning and execution, you can cultivate success with your start-up. While weighing both the risks and rewards of opening a business, you should consider the following tips to overcome initial obstacles and build a lucrative start-up. Create a problem-solving product You should conduct early research to evaluate your potential customer base and determine which products your customers need most. Create a product to solve existing consumer problems instead of taking a risk with products that have no customer base. With a high need, your success relies solely on ...